Prides Hollow Story Series by Award-Winning Storyteller Kelly Swanson
Southern Humor - Motivation - Storytelling at its finest - Garrison Keillor Meets Minnie Pearl. Welcome to Prides Hollow, the small town with a big heart. Where people stay but the gossip travels. Award-winning storyteller Kelly Swanson takes you to her town of Prides Hollow, about a mile and a hair past nowhere. Where the simple life is revered, ordinary heroes are appreciated, and the stories are never fancy - they're just about the people. And everything is better with a casserole and a bless your heart. It's the mythical town filled with people you know. Season 1 is all about the challenge Old Man Wither's has left to the town - to do something brave. These are their stories. Plenty of humor with lots of heart.The video version of this podcast is on youtube on PridesHollow.comFor more about Kelly go to MotivationalSpeakerKellySwanson.com To get your key to the city go to Patreon.com/kellyswanson
38 episodes
Prides Hollow Short: Diddly's Prank Gone Wrong
Diddly may consider himself the master of pranks, much to the dismay of his wife, Boo. But this time, he went too far.
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: The Worst Wedding Guest Ever
Ya'll are not going to believe who my cousin brought to Buck and Betty's wedding. It was horrible. Glad I was there to see it, and glad I get to share it with you. Nothing's ever boring in Prides Hollow, the small town with the big heart, where...
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Kill Me Now, He Is Talking During The Show Again
When the simple act of watching TV together can drive you to drink. Enjoy this quick little laugh on me.
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: I've Done Caught The Ringworm!
Kelly shares a moment that probably shouldn't be shared. Bless her heart. Ringworm is no joke!
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Nester Sees Jesus On The Side Of His Garage
I think almost every family has a Nester. Bless his heart. He called us this week to tell us he saw Jesus on the side of his garage. And of course he wants to profit on it. Life is never boring in the small town with the big heart, where the pe...
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: The Tree
A simple story about a tree and its impact on our childhood. Inspired by my recent trip to Spruce Pine, NC, where I met my people. I hope you like it.
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Bitsy Got Stuck in the Peloton
Bless Bitsy's heart for trying, but she is not adjusting too well to that new Peloton she just got. She sure did make those EMTs work hard for their paycheck. Join us for another hilarious tale from Prides Hollow, where things are NEVER boring....
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Ernestine's Glittered Privates
Oh my. Ernestine would have a FIT if she knew I was telling you this story. But it is too good to keep a secret. You have GOT to hear what happened when she went for her gynecology appointment. It is OMG graphic. So don't say I didn't warn you....
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Redneck Cat Funeral
Sparky's done run out of his ninth life. Found him during a game of hide and seek. Most exciting family reunion ever. Come find out how it went, in our tiny town with a small heart, where the people stay but the gossip travels. And even a funer...
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Bra At Buster's Bait and Tackle
Another hilarious moment in Prides Hollow when they find a brassiere in aisle three of Buster's Bait and Tackle. Right near the egg salad sandwiches and the bait - where my cousin's water broke last year. Place your bets on the owner of t...
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Dead Body In The Sanctuary
You are not going to believe what Ernestine Fink did in the sanctuary when she tripped over a dead body! It is a story you will NEVER forget.
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Stuffed Moose
Ever thought a taxidermied moose would make a great gift? Neither did Fern. Come hear another hilarious bit of news from the small town with the big heart, where the people stay but the gossip travels. Hilarious southern storyteller Kelly Swans...
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Exotic Animals Exhibit
Who knew that one little letter could make such a difference? Poor Duvelle. Enjoy today's laugh at her expense. Just remember, you didn't hear it from me!
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Break In At Bert and Erma's
Did you hear? There was a break in over at Bert and Erma's house! Let me be the first to give you the details. It was harrowing.Just another quick bit of hearsay from the small town with the big heart, where the people stay but the goss...

Prides Hollow Short: The Mask, a different kind of Halloween story
A touching story about the bond between a boy and his grandpa.
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Fern's Support Dog Grunt Quit
Poor thing. Not Fern. Her dog. Who can blame that dog for quitting? There's only so much a support animal should have to take. I'm just saying. Just another quick bit of hearsay from the small town with the big heart, where the peo...

Prides Hollow Short: Earl Lost His Teeth
Good grief. He's done it again. Earl has done lost his teeth. If you find them, please bring them to Bingo. Things are never boring in the small town with the big heart, where the people stay but the gossip travels.
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Praise Be, Nester Got Saved
It's a miracle and a half! Nester was saved this week. You've GOT to hear how it happened.Just another quick bit of hearsay from the small town with the big heart, where the people stay but the gossip travels.
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Percy's Funeral Doves
As you may already know, Percy passed. If you didn't make the funeral, then you should hear about the doves that were released at the ceremony. It wasn't pretty.Just another quick bit from the small town with the big heart, where the pe...
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Nadine Was Almost Robbed
What is this world coming to? You can't even go in for a pedicure without being afraid. Come here what happened at the nail salon when Nadine was almost killed.More gossip from the small town with the big heart, where the people stay, b...
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: The Hotel Mishap
Did you hear that Eulaly slept with a construction worker? Oh my heavens. This is one juicy bit of hearsay from the small town with the big heart - where the people stay but the gossip travels. And remember, you didn't hear it from me.
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Granny's Whorrible Situation
They said they didn't do it on purpose. But I'm not sure. Come find out what happened to Granny Jean over at the Piggly Wiggly. It's a hoot!Just more gossip from the small town with the big heart, where the people stay but the gossip tr...
Season 1

Prides Hollow Short: Homer Strips Again
Oh for heavens sakes. Somebody needs to go check on Homer. He's at it again. You can take the man out of Vegas, but you can't take Vegas out of the man. I'm just saying.Just another bit of gossip from the small town with the big heart. ...
Season 1